This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
Here's how to make a list:
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
last siin 21-4-2021 / 1:43 / on mit online href="">To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
dialog { background-color:#2196F3; color:#fff; border:2px solid black; font-family:tahoma; font-size:13px; padding:15px; border-radius:10px; width:250px; height:50px; text-align:center; } .clsmd { cursor:pointer; background-color:yellow; padding:5px; color:black; bottom: 0; position: absolute; left: 115px; border-radius:15px; } ------------------------- function showmodal(){ document.getElementById('mymodal').style.display="block";"#808080"; } function closemodal(){ document.getElementById('mymodal').style.display="none";"#fff"; } function showmodal(){ document.getElementById('mymodal').style.display="block";"#808080"; } function closemodal(){ document.getElementById('mymodal').style.display="none";"#fff"; }